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Who we are

We are the martial arts and contact sports competition team of the Leo Urban Sport sports center, located in Alzira (Valencia, Spain). Our team participates in two big modalities: Karate Kyokushin and Kick Boxing.

Kyokushin Karate

Martial art of Japanese origin whose competition consists of full contact and unprotected fight.

Kick Boxing

Contact sport of Japanese origin in which boxing techniques and various martial arts are mixed.

We participate in all kinds of events such as championships, camps or seminars, whether at a regional, national and even international level.

Our team is made up of all kinds of fighters, from our little 3-year-olds to our most veteran members. All of them are recognized for their bravery and fighting spirit on the mat and in the ring.

We have multiple Spanish champions and podiums in European championships. In addition, some of our competitors have had the honor of participating in the World Championship —our own teacher was in the top 32 of the World Open Weight Championship.

Years of experience
Countries visited
Spanish champions

We only have three secrets. Training, training and training.

Leo Adriá Fighters Leo Coach


How did Fighters Leo come about?

El maestro de Shihan Leo tuvo que marcharse y dejó a un Senpai Leo de 17 años al cargo del dojo con una clase de Kick Boxing de 15 personas, una de Kyokushin de 15 más y otra clase infantil de Kyokushin de 20 niños aprox.

Olympic 2000

Después de este tiempo sabático, Shihan Leo decidió montar un local propio en Alzira de no más de 150 m² con un tatami, una pequeña sala de pesas y dos vestuarios pequeños.

Deportivo Leo

Apenas pasado 1 año decicieron mudarse a otro centro deportivo de apenas 350m². El cual, al cabe de 10 años ampliaron a un total de 700m².

Centre Esportiu Leo

15 años después, nos fuimos a otro local situado en la misma calle, unos metros más adelante. Este local tenía apenas 400 m² y aquí estuvimos hasta mudarnos al local actual.

Leo Urban Sport

14 años más tarde, nos mudamos a nuestro actual gimnasio de casi 1500 m².

Where are we affiliated?